Friday, July 31, 2009


My friend Rob has a dog named Monster who has a thing for bobcats. Rob came home one time to find 10 images of bobcats downloaded onto his desktop and we're still not convinced that Monster didn't do it.

Well this post will make Monster very very happy. It's got pretty much the cutest bobcat pictures ever.

OMG. These picture make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Read their story here.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

First bathtime

This is a baby elephant who was born recently at the Taronga Zoo in Australia. His name is Luk Chai. Here he is getting very dirty.

Uh oh! Now it's bathtime!

Hey! This is pretty fun!

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What's so funny little guy?

"oh just a joke between me and the octopus"

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Old dogs don't need new tricks

I want to take a minute to remember that baby dogs aren't the only cute dogs. Old dogs can be pretty darn cute too.

I found this book on Amazon. I have an old dog named Chula (we call her our odest girl). Old dogs are great because they are old friends. They know exactly what you need when you need it. When you've had a hard day at work, they come over and just sit by you as if to say "It's ok. I'm here". When you wanna run around they'll do that too (as long as their arthritis will let them).

So here's to all the old dogs....thank you for being a friend.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sleeper pup

This is the definition of a sleepery biscuit.

Photo taken by Zonepress

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I ran across this last night when I was searching the watch instantly catalog on Netflix.

At first I thought that it sounded ridiculous. An IMAX movie about beavers? But I started to watch it and it was pretty awesome. If you have a subscription to Netflix, do yourself a favor and at least watch the first 3 minutes or so. Just up to the part where the beaver is scratching his face. (Why is it that animals are so cute when they are scratching?)

Here is the trailer.

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I'n scared

I'n scared. Can I please have a snuggle?

Thank you. I feel better already.

Photo from Somesai's Flickr Photostream

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dogs love.....

Dogs. Love. Trucks....and motorcycles.

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Just Ducky

I'm not going to make it a habit to post animals in bowls or cups, as there are probably blogs dedicated to only this and it's getting a bit old. But this one struck my fancy.

They're so tiny!
Photo courtesy of The Cute Project

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Smallest High Five

This is almost too cute to handle.

Read the article from the Independent Florida Alligator here.

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Check out this blog about a Japanese cat named Maru.

Not only is Maru adorable, but he has tons of personality. One of the best parts though are the subtitles to the posts that have been translated into English.

Here is an example...

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Musical rats

Rat Zamfir!

Check out the rest of the band

edit: here are even more pics!

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Another cute blog?

Hi there.

I'm Emily. I know what you're thinking. Another cute blog? Well if you're anything like me you love to find "awww!" stuff on the Internet, but it can be a lot of work to track down all that preciousness. I'm always sending around flurries of links to my friends when I decided that instead of clogging up their chat windows, I'd just start this blog. I plan on having it be like a clearinghouse of cute. I'm also drawn to the weird stuff like deep sea angler fish, giant squids, and bizarre parasites. So be warned.....that stuff may show up too.

Whoa! There's one already! Hi there grimpoteuthis!

You may also be wondering why I named my blog "Biscuits n Gwavy". I have a dog named Emmett. When he was a puppy I thought he looked like the dog Biscuit from the kids books. ( I totally remembered wrong however as Biscuit is all brown and Emmett is brown and white....close enough!) I started to call him Biscuit and after a while, as all nicknames do, it morphed to biscuits and gravy, and then biscuits and gwavy. Whenever I say it he goes nuts and gets all excited and dances for me. So in my mind that is the epitome of precious.

Here's my little biscuit as a pup, so tired from all his dancing.

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