Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Appreciation of friends

This is a great time of year to remember those friends and family members who make the rest of the year worth living. Sometimes it's easy to forget to appreciate all the things that those special people do for you.

I found these pics on a site called worldarea.info that made me contemplate this.

So for all my friends and family. I love you guys and I'm looking to frolicking with you this season!

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Monday, December 21, 2009

For all you pitbull haters pt. 2

I was watching this video yesterday and I realized that this is the same dog as my last post! This dog has a gentle soul.

Even in the face of pure vehicular feline evil. This cat reminds me of Baron Harkonnen from Dune.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

For all you pitbull haters

Even if you don't like pitbulls...you've gotta love this.

This is about the cutest thing I've seen all year.

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Monday, December 14, 2009

I can haz coconut!

I found this awesome article about octopi running off with coconuts to use as shelters.

"u cannot haz my coconut!"

I couldn't find a video to embed. But go here to see the article with the video of an octopus who's found a coconut and making a fort out of it.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Monkey business

Ok. By request from a new viewer.....Here is a monkey!

Wait. That won't do. That monkey is too sad. I think this is an occasion for drunk monkeys!

Much better.

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